Source code for ebu_tt_live.bindings.validation.timing

from datetime import timedelta

from ebu_tt_live.bindings import get_xml_parsing_context
from ebu_tt_live.errors import LogicError, SemanticValidationError, OutsideSegmentError
from ebu_tt_live.strings import ERR_SEMANTIC_VALIDATION_TIMING_TYPE

[docs]class TimingValidationMixin(object): """ This mixin is meant to be applied to timed elements (body, div, p, span) and provides parser hooks for timing attributes as well as a generic semantic validation for timing attributes in the document's timeBase. """ _computed_begin_time = None _computed_end_time = None @property def computed_begin_time(self): return self._computed_begin_time @property def computed_end_time(self): return self._computed_end_time
[docs] def _pre_timing_set_attribute(self, attr_en, attr_use): # Pass in the timing_attribute_name to the context to help the timing type constructor refuse creation context = get_xml_parsing_context() if context is not None: # This means we are in XML parsing mode context['timing_attribute_name'] = attr_en.localName()
[docs] def _post_timing_set_attribute(self, attr_use): context = get_xml_parsing_context() if context is not None: # Clean up after successful creation context.pop('timing_attribute_name', None)
[docs] def _pre_init_variables(self, dataset, element_content): self._begin_timedelta = self.begin and self.begin.timedelta or None self._end_timedelta = self.end and self.end.timedelta or None # We make sure end time is always none at the beginning because it can cause a LogicError with a stale value self._computed_begin_time = None self._computed_end_time = None self._semantic_dataset = dataset
[docs] def _element_badly_timed(self, value, element): return (element.begin is not None and \ element.end is not None and \ element.end <= element.begin)
[docs] def _post_cleanup_variables(self): del self._semantic_dataset del self._begin_timedelta del self._end_timedelta
[docs] def _pre_assign_end(self, proposed_end): self._semantic_dataset['timing_end_stack'].append(proposed_end) self._computed_end_time = proposed_end
[docs] def _pre_calculate_end(self): if self._end_timedelta is not None: if self._semantic_dataset['timing_end_stack']: # If there was already an end time in some parent element. proposed_end = min(self._semantic_dataset['timing_syncbase'] + self._end_timedelta, self._semantic_dataset['timing_end_stack'][-1]) # New end else: proposed_end = self._semantic_dataset['timing_syncbase'] + self._end_timedelta # If we have it assign it self._pre_assign_end(proposed_end)
[docs] def _pre_assign_begin(self, proposed_begin): if proposed_begin is not None: # Store the element's activation begin times # Let's push it onto the stack. self._semantic_dataset['timing_begin_stack'].append(proposed_begin) self._semantic_dataset['timing_syncbase'] += proposed_begin # If we have a non-zero availability time we need to factor it in BUT the syncbase stays if self._semantic_dataset['availability_time']: self._computed_begin_time = max(self._semantic_dataset['timing_syncbase'], self._semantic_dataset['availability_time']) else: self._computed_begin_time = self._semantic_dataset['timing_syncbase']
[docs] def _pre_calculate_begin(self): self._pre_assign_begin(self._begin_timedelta)
[docs] def _post_calculate_begin(self, children): """ The computed begin time shall be moved down to match that of the earliest child begin time in case the container does not specify a begin time itself. NOTE: This does not modify the syncbase. :param children: :return: """ if not children: return children_computed_begin_times = [item.computed_begin_time for item in children] earliest_child_computed_begin = min(children_computed_begin_times) if earliest_child_computed_begin > self._computed_begin_time: # Adjustment scenario self._computed_begin_time = earliest_child_computed_begin
[docs] def _semantic_preprocess_timing(self, dataset, element_content): """ As the validator traverses in a Depth First Search this is the hook function to call on the way DOWN. Steps to take: - Initialize temporary variables - Calculate end timing if element defines an end time - Calculate begin time and syncbase for children :param dataset: Semantic dataset from semantic validation framework :param element_content: PyXB's binding placeholder for this binding instance """ self._pre_init_variables(dataset, element_content) self._pre_calculate_end() # These assignments must happen last otherwise the syncbase will be wrong # in calculations happening after syncbase adjustment. self._pre_calculate_begin()
[docs] def _post_pop_begin(self): begin_timedelta = None if self._begin_timedelta is not None: # We pushed on the stack it is time to pop it. It could probably be removed # and replaced with self._begin_timedelta begin_timedelta = self._semantic_dataset['timing_begin_stack'].pop() self._semantic_dataset['timing_syncbase'] -= begin_timedelta return begin_timedelta
[docs] def _post_pop_end(self): end_timedelta = None if self._end_timedelta is not None: # We pushed on the stack it is time to pop it end_timedelta = self._semantic_dataset['timing_end_stack'].pop() return end_timedelta
[docs] def _semantic_postprocess_timing(self, dataset, element_content): """ As the validator traverses in a Depth First Search this is the hook function to call on the way UP Steps to take: - Fill in end times if element doesn't define end time - Try using computed_end_time information from its children - If no children are found look at parents end time constraints. - Finalize computed_begin_time if begin is not specified using computed_begin_time of children. :param dataset: Semantic dataset from semantic validation framework :param element_content: PyXB's binding placeholder for this binding instance """ begin_timedelta = self._post_pop_begin() # This end timedelta is an absolute calculated value on the timeline. Not relative. end_timedelta = self._post_pop_end() # If the forward running part of the traversal could not assign an end time we can use the backwards route # which is in a way similar to dynamic programming because we take the children computed times and take the # maximum value from them. SPECIAL case: a single leaf element with an undefined end time renders the entire # branch undefined if end_timedelta is not None and self.computed_end_time is None \ or end_timedelta is None and self.computed_end_time is not None: # This is just a simple sanity check. It should never be triggered. # Should the calculation be changed this filters out an obvious source of error. raise LogicError() children = None if self.computed_end_time is None: # This requires calculation based on the timings in its children. # All timing containers are complexTypes so we can call orderedContent safely # but we don't want to bother with explicitly badly timed elements so filter # them out. children = filter(lambda item: isinstance(item, TimingValidationMixin) \ and not item._element_badly_timed(value=None, element=item), \ [x.value for x in self.orderedContent()]) # Order of statements is important if not children: # This means we are in a timing container leaf. if not self._semantic_dataset['timing_end_stack']: # Here we go an endless document. Pointless but for clarity's sake assign it explicitly to None. self._computed_end_time = None else: # Try to assign it the last specified ancestor self._computed_end_time = self._semantic_dataset['timing_end_stack'][-1] else: children_computed_end_times = [item.computed_end_time for item in children] if None in children_computed_end_times: # The endless document case propagates up self._computed_end_time = None else: # Propagate the longest end time among the children self._computed_end_time = max(children_computed_end_times) # When we are the body element we need to check that our explicit timings # are valid, i.e. deal with end before befin by discarding this element # from computed time calculation as per spec requirement. Since we exclude all # elements where this is the case using the _element_badly_timed # function as a filter, this only applies to the body element (on which # the filter function doesn't get called). if isinstance(self, BodyTimingValidationMixin) \ and self._element_badly_timed(value=None, element=self): self._computed_end_time = None self._computed_begin_time = timedelta(0) if begin_timedelta is None: if children is None: children = filter(lambda item: isinstance(item, TimingValidationMixin) \ and not item._element_badly_timed(value=None, element=item), [x.value for x in self.orderedContent()]) self._post_calculate_begin(children=children) self._post_cleanup_variables()
# The mixin approach is used since there are multiple timed element types. # The inspected values are all attributes of the element so they do not # take part in the traversal directly we process them in the timed element's context instead: body, div, p, span
[docs] def _semantic_timebase_validation(self, dataset, element_content): time_base = dataset['tt_element'].timeBase if self.begin is not None: if hasattr(self.begin, 'compatible_timebases'): # Check typing of begin attribute against the timebase timebases = self.begin.compatible_timebases() if time_base not in timebases['begin']: raise SemanticValidationError( ERR_SEMANTIC_VALIDATION_TIMING_TYPE.format( attr_type=type(self.begin), attr_value=self.begin, attr_name='begin', time_base=time_base ) ) if self.end is not None: if hasattr(self.end, 'compatible_timebases'): # Check typing of end attribute against the timebase timebases = self.end.compatible_timebases() if time_base not in timebases['end']: raise SemanticValidationError( ERR_SEMANTIC_VALIDATION_TIMING_TYPE.format( attr_type=type(self.end), attr_value=self.end, attr_name='end', time_base=time_base ) )
[docs] def _semantic_manage_timeline(self, dataset, element_content): # Get the document instance doc = dataset['document'] # Register on timeline doc.add_to_timeline(self)
# This section covers the copying operations of timed containers.
[docs] def is_in_segment(self, begin=None, end=None): if begin is not None: if self.computed_end_time is not None and self.computed_end_time <= begin: return False if end is not None: if self.computed_begin_time >= end: return False return True
[docs] def _assert_in_segment(self, dataset, element_content=None): if not self.is_in_segment( begin=dataset['segment_begin'], end=dataset['segment_end'] ): raise OutsideSegmentError()
[docs] def is_timed_leaf(self): return False
[docs] def _semantic_copy_apply_leaf_timing(self, copied_instance, dataset, element_content=None): if not copied_instance.is_timed_leaf(): copied_instance.begin = None copied_instance.end = None if hasattr(copied_instance, 'dur'): copied_instance.dur = None else: tt_elem = dataset['tt_element'] trimmed_begin = self.computed_begin_time trimmed_end = self.computed_end_time segment_begin = dataset['segment_begin'] segment_end = dataset['segment_end'] if segment_begin is not None: if segment_begin > trimmed_begin: trimmed_begin = segment_begin if segment_end is not None: if trimmed_end is None or trimmed_end > segment_end: trimmed_end = segment_end # Create compatible timing types copied_instance.begin = tt_elem.get_timing_type(trimmed_begin) copied_instance.end = tt_elem.get_timing_type(trimmed_end)
[docs]class BodyTimingValidationMixin(TimingValidationMixin): """ The body element seems to be exception from too many rules and makes one common validator pretty difficult to manage. This subclass is meant to call all the extensions/limitations for the body element that does not apply to timed containers in general in the EBU-TT-Live spec. """
[docs] def _pre_init_variables(self, dataset, element_content): super(BodyTimingValidationMixin, self)._pre_init_variables(dataset, element_content) self._dur_timedelta = self.dur and self.dur.timedelta or None
[docs] def _post_cleanup_variables(self): del self._dur_timedelta super(BodyTimingValidationMixin, self)._post_cleanup_variables()
[docs] def _pre_calculate_end(self): # This is all for the body element because of the dur attribute if self._dur_timedelta is not None: if self._begin_timedelta is not None and self._end_timedelta is not None: # This is a special (stupid) edge case..: proposed_end = min(self._dur_timedelta + self._begin_timedelta, self._end_timedelta) elif self._begin_timedelta is not None and self._end_timedelta is None: proposed_end = self._dur_timedelta + self._begin_timedelta elif self._begin_timedelta is None and self._end_timedelta is None: # In this case the document end at availability time + dur proposed_end = self._semantic_dataset['availability_time'] + self._dur_timedelta elif self._begin_timedelta is None and self._end_timedelta is not None: proposed_end = min(self._semantic_dataset['availability_time'] + self._dur_timedelta, self._end_timedelta) else: # Fallback case if there is no duration specified the same as the other containers super(BodyTimingValidationMixin, self)._pre_calculate_end() # WARNING this assigns it so we are done return # If one of our special ifs worked let's assign the value here. self._pre_assign_end(proposed_end)
[docs] def _pre_calculate_begin(self): self._pre_assign_begin(self._begin_timedelta)
[docs] def _post_pop_end(self): end_timedelta = None if self._end_timedelta is not None or self._dur_timedelta is not None: # We pushed on the stack it is time to pop it end_timedelta = self._semantic_dataset['timing_end_stack'].pop() return end_timedelta
[docs] def _semantic_timebase_validation(self, dataset, element_content): super(BodyTimingValidationMixin, self)._semantic_timebase_validation(dataset, element_content) time_base = dataset['tt_element'].timeBase if self.dur is not None: if hasattr(self.dur, 'compatible_timebases'): # Check typing of dur attribute against the timebase timebases = self.dur.compatible_timebases() if time_base not in timebases['dur']: raise SemanticValidationError( ERR_SEMANTIC_VALIDATION_TIMING_TYPE.format( attr_type=type(self.dur), attr_value=self.dur, attr_name='dur', time_base=time_base ) )