Source code for ebu_tt_live.documents.ebutt3

import logging
from .base import SubtitleDocument, TimeBase, CloningDocumentSequence
from .ebutt3_segmentation import EBUTT3Segmenter
from .ebutt3_splicer import EBUTT3Splicer
from ebu_tt_live import bindings
from ebu_tt_live.bindings import _ebuttm as metadata, TimingValidationMixin
from ebu_tt_live.bindings import _ebuttlm as ebuttlm
from ebu_tt_live.strings import ERR_DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_MISMATCH, \
from ebu_tt_live.errors import IncompatibleSequenceError, DocumentDiscardedError, \
    SequenceOverridden, SequenceNumberCollisionError, UnexpectedAuthorsGroupError
from ebu_tt_live.clocks import get_clock_from_document
from datetime import timedelta
from pyxb import BIND
from sortedcontainers import sortedset
from sortedcontainers import sortedlist
import gc

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
document_logger = logging.getLogger('document_logger')

[docs]class TimingEvent(object): """ This class wraps a document and an associated resolved timing event into an object that can be placed on the timeline. """ _element = None _when = None def __init__(self, element, when): self._element = element self.when = when @property def when(self): return self._when @when.setter def when(self, value): if not isinstance(value, timedelta): ValueError() self._when = value @property def element(self): return self._element
# R16
[docs]class TimingEventBegin(TimingEvent): """ Element/document resolved begin time """ def __init__(self, element): super(TimingEventBegin, self).__init__(element=element, when=element.computed_begin_time) def __repr__(self): return '<{}({}): {}>'.format( type(self), self.when, self.element )
# R17
[docs]class TimingEventEnd(TimingEvent): """ Element/document resolved end time. """ def __init__(self, element): super(TimingEventEnd, self).__init__(element=element, when=element.computed_end_time) def __repr__(self): return '<{}({}): {}>'.format( type(self), self.when, self.element )
[docs]class TimelineUtilMixin(object): """ This mixin is responsible for managing the shared timeline functionality """ # The timing events that mark the beginning and end of an element are kept on a timeline, # which iw a sorted list. IMPORTANT: Not sorted set as there are overlapping begins and ends. _timeline = None @property def timeline(self): if self._timeline is None: self._timeline = sortedlist.SortedListWithKey(key=lambda item: item.when) return self._timeline
[docs] def reset_timeline(self): self._timeline = None
[docs] def add_to_timeline(self, element): """ The element gets added to the timeline so it would be easier to look up. :param element: :return: """ if element.computed_begin_time is not None: self.timeline.add(TimingEventBegin(element=element)) if element.computed_end_time is not None: self.timeline.add(TimingEventEnd(element=element))
[docs] def locate_element_begin(self, element): for item in self.timeline.irange(TimingEventBegin(element)): if item.element == element and isinstance(item, TimingEventBegin): return item raise LookupError()
[docs] def locate_element_end(self, element): for item in self.timeline.irange(TimingEventBegin(element)): if item.element == element and isinstance(item, TimingEventEnd): return item raise LookupError()
[docs] def lookup_range_on_timeline(self, begin=None, end=None): """ Extract a segment of the timeline and :param begin: :param end: :return: A list of elements in chronological order """ affected_elements = [] # Coming from the beginning of the timeline in any case for item in self.timeline.irange(maximum=end is not None and TimingEvent(None, end) or None): if isinstance(item, TimingEventBegin): if item.when != end: # Don't take 0 long elements affected_elements.append(item.element) continue elif isinstance(item, TimingEventEnd): if begin is not None and item.when <= begin: # Remove elements, which had ended before the specified range began. if item.element in affected_elements: affected_elements.remove(item.element) return affected_elements
[docs]class EBUTT3ObjectBase(object): message_type_mapping = {}
[docs] def get_xml(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_dom(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_xml(cls, xml, **kwargs): instance = bindings.CreateFromDocument( xml_text=xml ) if isinstance(instance, ebuttlm.message_type): return cls.message_type_mapping[instance.header.type].create_from_raw_binding(instance)
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_raw_binding(cls, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class EBUTTLiveMessage(EBUTT3ObjectBase): _sender = None _recipient = None _payload = None _sequence_identifier = None _availability_time = None @property def sequence_identifier(self): return self._sequence_identifier @sequence_identifier.setter def sequence_identifier(self, value): self._sequence_identifier = value @property def payload(self): return self._payload @property def sender(self): return self._sender @property def recipient(self): return self._recipient @property def availability_time(self): return self._availability_time @availability_time.setter def availability_time(self, value): if not isinstance(value, timedelta): raise TypeError self._availability_time = value
[docs]class EBUTTAuthorsGroupControlRequest(EBUTTLiveMessage): message_type_id = 'authorsGroupControlRequest' def __init__(self, sequence_identifier, payload, availability_time=None, sender=None, recipient=None): self._sequence_identifier = sequence_identifier self._payload = payload self._sender = sender self._recipient = recipient if availability_time is not None: self._availability_time = availability_time
[docs] def _create_binding(self): header = ebuttlm.message_header_type( type=self.message_type_id ) if self.recipient: header.recipient = self.recipient if self.sender: header.sender = self.sender return ebuttlm.message( sequenceIdentifier=self.sequence_identifier, header=header, payload=self._payload, _strict_keywords=False )
[docs] def get_dom(self): return self._create_binding().toDOM()
[docs] def get_xml(self): return self._create_binding().toxml()
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_raw_binding(cls, binding, availability_time=None, **kwargs): return cls( sequence_identifier=binding.sequenceIdentifier, sender=binding.header.sender, recipient=binding.header.recipient, payload=binding.payload.orderedContent()[0].value # anyType is considered complex type # so orderedContent is needed and indexing the first component. )
# Register the class in the base class EBUTT3ObjectBase.message_type_mapping[EBUTTAuthorsGroupControlRequest.message_type_id] = EBUTTAuthorsGroupControlRequest
[docs]class EBUTT3Document(TimelineUtilMixin, SubtitleDocument, EBUTT3ObjectBase): """ This class wraps the binding object representation of the XML and provides the features the applications in the specification require. e.g:availability time. """ # The XML binding holding the content of the document _ebutt3_content = None # The availability time can be set by the carriage implementation for # example _availability_time = None _computed_begin_time = None _computed_end_time = None # These are used when the sequence discarded the documents. _resolved_begin_time = None _resolved_end_time = None # The sequence the document belongs to _sequence = None def __init__(self, time_base, sequence_number, sequence_identifier, lang, clock_mode=None, availability_time=None, authors_group_identifier=None): if not clock_mode and time_base is TimeBase.CLOCK: clock_mode = 'local' self._ebutt3_content = timeBase=time_base, clockMode=clock_mode, sequenceIdentifier=sequence_identifier, authorsGroupIdentifier=authors_group_identifier, sequenceNumber=sequence_number, lang=lang, head=BIND( metadata.headMetadata_type( metadata.documentMetadata() ) ), body=BIND() ) if availability_time is not None: self._availability_time = availability_time self.validate()
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_raw_binding(cls, binding, availability_time=None): instance = cls.__new__(cls) instance._ebutt3_content = binding if availability_time is not None: instance._availability_time = availability_time instance.validate() return instance
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_xml(cls, xml, availability_time=None): instance = cls.create_from_raw_binding( binding=bindings.CreateFromDocument( xml_text=xml ), availability_time=availability_time ) return instance
[docs] def _cmp_key(self): return self.sequence_number
[docs] def _cmp_checks(self, other): if self.sequence_identifier != other.sequence_identifier: raise ValueError(ERR_DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_MISMATCH)
@property def sequence_identifier(self): return self._ebutt3_content.sequenceIdentifier @sequence_identifier.setter def sequence_identifier(self, value): self._ebutt3_content.sequenceIdentifier = value @property def authors_group_control_token(self): return self._ebutt3_content.authorsGroupControlToken @property def authors_group_identifier(self): return self._ebutt3_content.authorsGroupIdentifier @property def authors_group_selected_sequence_identifier(self): return self._ebutt3_content.authorsGroupSelectedSequenceIdentifier @authors_group_selected_sequence_identifier.setter def authors_group_selected_sequence_identifier(self, value): self._ebutt3_content.authorsGroupSelectedSequenceIdentifier = value @property def lang(self): return self._ebutt3_content.lang @property def clock_mode(self): return self._ebutt3_content.clockMode @property def sequence(self): if self._sequence is None: raise ValueError(ERR_DOCUMENT_NOT_PART_OF_SEQUENCE) return self._sequence @sequence.setter def sequence(self, value): if value.sequence_identifier != self.sequence_identifier: raise ValueError(ERR_DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_MISMATCH) self._sequence = value @property def sequence_number(self): return self._ebutt3_content.sequenceNumber @sequence_number.setter def sequence_number(self, value): intvalue = int(value) self._ebutt3_content.sequenceNumber = intvalue @property def availability_time(self): return self._availability_time @availability_time.setter def availability_time(self, value): if not isinstance(value, timedelta): raise TypeError self._availability_time = value self.validate() @property def computed_begin_time(self): return self._computed_begin_time @property def computed_end_time(self): return self._computed_end_time @property def resolved_begin_time(self): if self._resolved_begin_time is not None: return self._resolved_begin_time else: return self.sequence.resolved_begin_time(self)
[docs] def discard_document(self, resolved_end_time, verbose=False): """ This function discards the document by setting a resolved end time before the document begins. :param resolved_end_time: """ if resolved_end_time > self.computed_begin_time: raise ValueError() sequence_identifier=self.sequence_identifier, sequence_number=self.sequence_number) ) self._resolved_end_time = resolved_end_time self._resolved_begin_time = self.computed_begin_time if verbose: u'Document discarded:\n{}'.format( self.content_to_string(end=resolved_end_time) ) )
@property def resolved_end_time(self): if self._resolved_end_time is not None: return self._resolved_end_time else: return self.sequence.resolved_end_time(self) @property def time_base(self): return self._ebutt3_content.timeBase @property def discarded(self): return self.resolved_begin_time >= self.resolved_end_time
[docs] def content_to_string(self, begin=None, end=None): """ Extract the document textual content between begin/end along with their activation times. :param begin: From specified begin time or resolved begin time if begin is not specified. :param end: Up to specified end time or resolved end time if end is not specified. :return: String showing the activation and content of the elements. """ affected_elements = self.lookup_range_on_timeline(begin=begin, end=end) affected_paragraphs = [] for item in affected_elements: if isinstance(item, bindings.p_type): affected_paragraphs.append(item) if begin is not None and self.resolved_begin_time < begin: resolved_begin = begin else: resolved_begin = self.resolved_begin_time if end is not None and self.resolved_end_time is not None and end < self.resolved_end_time: resolved_end = end elif end is not None and self.resolved_end_time is None: resolved_end = end else: resolved_end = self.resolved_end_time str_lines = [] for item in affected_paragraphs: str_lines.append( item.content_to_string( begin=resolved_begin, end=resolved_end ) ) return u'\n'.join(str_lines)
[docs] def validate(self): # Reset timeline self.reset_timeline() # This is assuming availability from the beginning of our time coordinate system. availability_time = self.availability_time or timedelta() # Run validation result = self._ebutt3_content.validateBinding( availability_time=availability_time, document=self ) document_logger.debug( DOC_SEMANTIC_VALIDATION_SUCCESSFUL.format( sequence_identifier=self.sequence_identifier, sequence_number=self.sequence_number ) ) # Extract results # Begin times # Default value for the computed begin time of the document is the active begin time of the body # This only changes if the body does not declare a begin time. # Same for end time. if self._ebutt3_content.body is not None: self._computed_begin_time = self._ebutt3_content.body.computed_begin_time self._computed_end_time = self._ebutt3_content.body.computed_end_time else: self._computed_begin_time = availability_time self._computed_end_time = availability_time
[docs] def add_div(self, div): body = self._ebutt3_content.body body.append(div)
[docs] def set_begin(self, begin): self._ebutt3_content.body.begin = begin
[docs] def set_end(self, end): self._ebutt3_content.body.end = end
[docs] def set_dur(self, dur): self._ebutt3_content.body.dur = dur
@property def binding(self): return self._ebutt3_content
[docs] def get_xml(self): return self._ebutt3_content.toxml()
[docs] def get_dom(self): return self._ebutt3_content.toDOM()
[docs] def get_element_by_id(self, elem_id, elem_type=None): return self.binding.get_element_by_id(elem_id=elem_id, elem_type=elem_type)
[docs] def extract_segment(self, begin=None, end=None, deconflict_ids=False): """ Create a valid ebutt3 document subset. As it collects data it will also prefix the ids in the document with the document sequence number so that later merge does not have collision. :param begin: :param end: :param deconflict_ids: prevent id clash across documents by prefixing the IDs :return: EBUTT3Document """ DOC_REQ_SEGMENT.format( sequence_identifier=self.sequence_identifier, sequence_number=self.sequence_number, begin=begin, end=end ) ) segmenter = EBUTT3Segmenter(self, begin=begin, end=end, deconflict_ids=deconflict_ids) return EBUTT3Document.create_from_raw_binding(segmenter.segment)
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ This function is meant to get rid of all the validation added data that may be blocking garbage collection of the objects. :return: """ self.reset_timeline()
[docs]class EBUTT3DocumentSequence(TimelineUtilMixin, CloningDocumentSequence): """ EBU-TT Live specific document sequence. It maps the documents based on their sequence numbers and timing attributes. The sequence object can be used in 2 different modes: - It can be used to produce a sequence(i.e.: new_document method) - as well as it is the pivotal point of the consumer use-case when the document timings need to be resolved. (i.e.: add_document method) The sequence is responsible to keep the documents ordered and filter those documents out, which were eventually overwritten. It ensures that at any given time exactly 0 or 1 document is active (R14). """ _sequence_identifier = None _authors_group_identifier = None _last_sequence_number = None _reference_clock = None _time_base = None _clock_mode = None _lang = None _documents = None _verbose = None def __init__(self, sequence_identifier, reference_clock, lang, verbose=False, authors_group_identifier=None): self._sequence_identifier = sequence_identifier self._authors_group_identifier = authors_group_identifier self._reference_clock = reference_clock self._lang = lang self._last_sequence_number = 0 # The documents are kept in a sorted set that is sorted by the documents's sequence number self._documents = sortedset.SortedSet(key=lambda x: x.sequence_number) self._verbose = verbose @property def reference_clock(self): return self._reference_clock @property def sequence_identifier(self): return self._sequence_identifier @property def authors_group_identifier(self): return self._authors_group_identifier @property def last_sequence_number(self): return self._last_sequence_number @last_sequence_number.setter def last_sequence_number(self, value): self._last_sequence_number = value
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_document(cls, document, verbose=False, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(document, EBUTT3Document): raise ValueError( ERR_SEQUENCE_FROM_DOCUMENT.format( document=document ) ) return cls( sequence_identifier=kwargs.get('sequence_identifier', document.sequence_identifier), authors_group_identifier=kwargs.get('authors_group_identifier', document.authors_group_identifier), reference_clock=kwargs.get('reference_clock', get_clock_from_document(document)), lang=kwargs.get('lang', document.lang), verbose=verbose )
[docs] def _check_document_compatibility(self, document): if self.sequence_identifier != document.sequence_identifier or \ self._reference_clock.time_base != document.time_base: raise IncompatibleSequenceError( ERR_DOCUMENT_NOT_COMPATIBLE.format('ebuttp:sequenceIdentifier or ttp:timeBase') ) if self._reference_clock.time_base == 'clock': if self._reference_clock.clock_mode != document.clock_mode: raise IncompatibleSequenceError( ERR_DOCUMENT_NOT_COMPATIBLE.format('ttp:clockMode') ) existing_document = None try: # Locate the insertion position insertion_idx = self._documents.bisect_key_left(document.sequence_number) found_doc = self._documents[ insertion_idx ] if found_doc.sequence_number == document.sequence_number: existing_document = found_doc except IndexError: log.debug('Document not found at position') if existing_document is not None: raise SequenceNumberCollisionError( ERR_DOCUMENT_SEQUENCENUMBER_COLLISION.format( sequence_identifier=self.sequence_identifier, sequence_number=document.sequence_number ) ) else: # If there is an authorsGroupIdentifier and sequence does not have one yet. Pick it up. # If there is one already mismatch results in an error but missing value is allowed even then. if document.authors_group_identifier is not None and document.authors_group_identifier != "": if self.authors_group_identifier is not None: if document.authors_group_identifier != self.authors_group_identifier: raise UnexpectedAuthorsGroupError( ERR_AUTHORS_GROUP_MISMATCH.format( agid_doc=document.authors_group_identifier, agid_seq=self.authors_group_identifier ) ) else: # Set the one we currently have in the document except the empty string self._authors_group_identifier = document.authors_group_identifier log.debug('Sequence number: {} can be safely inserted into sequence: {}'.format( document.sequence_number, self.sequence_identifier )) return True
[docs] def is_compatible(self, document): return self._check_document_compatibility(document=document)
[docs] def create_compatible_document(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This utility function is used by the converter to extract segments and by the new_document function. :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ return EBUTT3Document( time_base=self._reference_clock.time_base, clock_mode=self._reference_clock.clock_mode, sequence_identifier=self._sequence_identifier, authors_group_identifier=self.authors_group_identifier, sequence_number=kwargs.get('sequence_number', self._last_sequence_number), lang=self._lang )
[docs] def new_document(self, *args, **kwargs): self._last_sequence_number += 1 return self.create_compatible_document()
[docs] def _insert_or_discard(self, document): """ This function does the heavy lifting of timing resolution. It inspects the close vicinity in which the new document is coming by looking at the timeline in both directions. Based on that information it can detect 3 different cases: - out of order delivery of documents in which case it inserts and trims the document, - sequence override scenario in which case an exception is raised. - Document discard scenario in which case the document is already overwritten in the sequence so it will not get inserted. :raises: ValueError, SequenceOverridden, DocumentDiscardedError """ # Our document's begin and end times. Initially they correspond with the computed document begin- and end times. this_begins = TimingEventBegin(document) this_ends = TimingEventEnd(document) # The one this document might trim begins_before = None # The one this document definitely trims ends_after = None # The one that will trim this document. One with a higher seq number trims_this = None _end_found = False for item in self.timeline.irange( maximum=this_begins, reverse=True ): # This loop goes backwards and checks for trimmed documents # If any found event is higher sequence number we quit if item.element.sequence_number > document.sequence_number: # Oops we got discarded.... :( discarderror = DocumentDiscardedError() discarderror.offending_document = item.element raise discarderror if isinstance(item, TimingEventBegin): if not _end_found or _end_found.element != item.element: # This will be trimmed begins_before = item # Once a begin event is found we quit break elif isinstance(item, TimingEventEnd): if _end_found: raise ValueError(ERR_DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_INCONSISTENCY) _end_found = item for item in self.timeline.irange(this_begins): # This loop goes forward looking at offending events if isinstance(item, TimingEventEnd): ends_after = item if begins_before and ends_after.element != begins_before.element and ends_after.when != begins_before.when: raise ValueError(ERR_DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_INCONSISTENCY) elif isinstance(item, TimingEventBegin): if document.sequence_number > item.element.sequence_number: raise SequenceOverridden() if item.element.sequence_number > document.sequence_number: # This means our document may get trimmed into shape if this_ends.when > item.when: trims_this = item break if trims_this: # Trim this one. This happens with out of order delivery. this_ends.when = trims_this.when sequence_identifier=document.sequence_identifier, sequence_number=document.sequence_number, resolved_begin_time=this_begins.when, resolved_end_time=this_ends.when )) if begins_before: # Move up previous document's end R17 if ends_after: self.timeline.remove(ends_after) else: ends_after = TimingEventEnd(begins_before.element) ends_after.when = this_begins.when sequence_identifier=begins_before.element.sequence_identifier, sequence_number=begins_before.element.sequence_number, resolved_begin_time=begins_before.when, resolved_end_time=ends_after.when )) self.timeline.add(ends_after) if self._verbose: u'Document trimmed by next one:\n{}'.format( begins_before.element.content_to_string() ) ) self._insert_document(document, ends=this_ends)
[docs] def _insert_document(self, document, ends=None): """ In the end this function adds the document to the sequence registers. :param document: :param ends: :return: """ self._documents.add(document) self.timeline.add(TimingEventBegin(document)) if ends is None: ends = TimingEventEnd(document) if ends.when is not None: self.timeline.add(ends) sequence_identifier=document.sequence_identifier, sequence_number=document.sequence_number )) if self._verbose: u'New document inserted:\n{}'.format( document.content_to_string() ) )
[docs] def _override_sequence(self, document): """ This function clears the timeline and the associated documents after the document in the parameter. This happens when a document with a higher sequence number is added preceding some other documents with lower sequence numbers. :param document: :return: """ discarded_timing_events = {} sequence_number = document.sequence_number resolved_begin = TimingEventBegin(document) for item in self.timeline.irange(resolved_begin): if item.element.sequence_number < sequence_number: if isinstance(item, TimingEventEnd) and item.element not in discarded_timing_events: # We found the end event of a document whose begin event was not encountered. Meaning that instead # of discarding it we are supposed to trim it. R17 continue else: discarded_timing_events.setdefault(item.element, []).append(item) for item, events in discarded_timing_events.items(): item.discard_document( resolved_end_time=resolved_begin.when, verbose=self._verbose ) self._documents.remove(item) for event in events: self.timeline.remove(event)
[docs] def discard_before(self, document): """ This function gets rid of old documents we do not wish to keep any longer. :param document: The document up to which we would like to discard things :return: """ discarded_timing_events = {} resolved_begin = TimingEventBegin(document) discard_time = timedelta() for item in self.timeline.irange(maximum=resolved_begin, inclusive=(True, True)): if item.element != document: discarded_timing_events.setdefault(item.element, []).append(item) for item, events in discarded_timing_events.items(): item.discard_document( resolved_end_time=discard_time, verbose=self._verbose ) self._documents.remove(item) for event in events: self.timeline.remove(event) del item del discarded_timing_events
[docs] def add_document(self, document): self._check_document_compatibility(document) document.sequence = self # Let's create space for the document try: self._insert_or_discard(document) except SequenceOverridden: # First we fix the timeline self._override_sequence(document) # And retry the insertion operation self._insert_or_discard(document) except DocumentDiscardedError as exc: document.discard_document( resolved_end_time=exc.offending_document.resolved_begin_time, verbose=self._verbose ) if document.sequence_number > self._last_sequence_number: self._last_sequence_number = document.sequence_number
[docs] def get_document(self, seq_id): return self._documents[seq_id]
[docs] def _find_resolved_begin_event(self, document): if document not in self._documents: raise LookupError() try: item = self.locate_element_begin(document) return item except LookupError: # This means the document is not part of this sequence raise KeyError()
[docs] def resolved_begin_time(self, document): return self._find_resolved_begin_event(document).when
[docs] def _find_resolved_end_event(self, document): if document not in self._documents: raise LookupError() try: item = self.locate_element_end(document) return item except LookupError: pass if document.computed_end_time is not None: # This means we have consistency issues in the timeline raise LookupError(ERR_DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_INCONSISTENCY) # This means this document has no computed end time nor it is trimmed return None
[docs] def resolved_end_time(self, document): item = self._find_resolved_end_event(document) return item and item.when or None
[docs] def fork(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def extract_segment(self, begin=None, end=None, sequence_number=None, discard=False): """ Extract the subtitles from the sequence in the given timeframe. The return value is one merged EBUTT3Document :param begin: :param end: :return: EBUTT3Document """ DOC_SEQ_REQ_SEGMENT.format( sequence_identifier=self.sequence_identifier, begin=begin, end=end ) ) affected_documents = self.lookup_range_on_timeline(begin=begin, end=end) document_segments = [] for doc in affected_documents: doc_ending = doc.resolved_end_time if end is not None: if doc_ending is None or end < doc_ending: doc_ending = end # Check only til resolved end, otherwise there will be unwanted parallel elements try: doc_segment = doc.extract_segment(begin=begin, end=doc_ending, deconflict_ids=True) document_segments.append(doc_segment) except Exception as err: log.error( 'Error extracting document segment from {}__{}'.format( doc.sequence_identifier, doc.sequence_number ) ) log.error(repr(err)) begin = doc_ending current_sequence_number = sequence_number is not None and sequence_number or 1 if not document_segments: # TODO: This is good question what now? no documents found for range document = self.create_compatible_document(sequence_number=current_sequence_number) # comp_doc.set_begin(begin) # comp_doc.set_end(end) else: splicer = EBUTT3Splicer( sequence_identifier='{}_resegmented'.format(self.sequence_identifier), sequence_number=current_sequence_number, document_segments=document_segments ) document = EBUTT3Document.create_from_raw_binding(splicer.spliced_document) if discard is True and affected_documents: self.discard_before(affected_documents[-1]) return document
[docs] def cleanup(self): self.reset_timeline() del self._documents