Source code reference ===================== The toolkit is implemented inside the ebu_tt_live python package. The following reference helps to get an insight of what the different components and classes are responsible for. Layout of the source files -------------------------- The sources comprise subpackages and submodules to create a modular system that can be configured as required by the user. The very quick overview before the generated source code reference hopefully helps find one's bearings faster. Code Structure : :: ebu_tt_live ├─bindings - PyXB based bindings and custom code that provides advanced validation functionality │ ├─raw - Low-level PyXB generated code based on the XSD schema definitions in ebu_tt_live/xsd │ ├─converters - Low-level converters to convert bindings from one schema to another │ ├─validation - Custom extension python mixins that are used for adding semantic validation functionality to binding types │ └*.py - Custom extension code importing bindings from the raw package and enhancing them with extra functions such as validation capability ├─carriage - Carriage Mechanism classes to be used by the Nodes ├─clocks - Various reference clock implementations ├─config - Component configurators ├─documents - Document wrapper classes wrapping bindings into an less cluttered interface ├─examples - Built-in data files that are used to make the tools easier to run ├─node - Processing node code mostly on the document level independent on carriage mechanism implementation ├─scripts - Console scripts that make things easier to run ├─twisted - Carriage implementations using the twisted framework(currently websocket server and client classes) ├─ui - Files needed to run the User Input Producer webapp ├─xsd - Schema definitions ├ - Custom Exception types for the Toolkit ├ - Various error and response strings in t translatable format all in one place for easy translation └ - Standalone utilities independent from the live toolkit but used by the toolkit for some tasks Subpackages ----------- .. toctree:: ebu_tt_live.bindings ebu_tt_live.carriage ebu_tt_live.clocks ebu_tt_live.config ebu_tt_live.documents ebu_tt_live.examples ebu_tt_live.node ebu_tt_live.scripts ebu_tt_live.twisted :mod:`errors` Module -------------------- .. automodule:: ebu_tt_live.errors :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: :mod:`strings` Module --------------------- .. automodule:: ebu_tt_live.strings :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: :mod:`utils` Module ------------------- .. automodule:: ebu_tt_live.utils :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: